Idaho Prison Project


Posted on November 27, 2022  •  4 minutes  • 698 words

Are you interested in learning more about prison abolition, the conditions that led to this movement, and organizations working for justice in this area? Here are a few resources!

Note that the exact language describing each organizations is often taken directly from their website without attribution. I don’t want to gum up this section with quote marks, but I figured it is best to let each organization speak for itself rather than rely on my summary.

In Idaho

Media Outlets

National Organizations


Miscellaneous Resources

This is just a small sampling of the organizations I find effective and inspiring. There are many more organizations working on these issues on the national level. If your organisation is on the list and the description is not quite accurate, please let me know. If you know of more organisations in Idaho supporting criminal justice reform, please contact me so I can add them to list.
